Una de los aspectos que más me gusta de internet, es la facilidad que nos da para interactuar con personas de diferentes lugares que comparten gustos, aficiones y pasiones similares a las nuestras. Hace un par de años, agregué a varios escritores a mis círculos de Google, y comencé a comentar algunas de sus publicaciones. De esa forma he contactado a personas que tienen mucho conocimiento y que están dispuestas a compartirlo.
Una de ellas es la escritora Jenni Wiltz, quien aceptó mi invitación para participar como escritora invitada en el Blog de Haki.
Jenni escribe ficción y no ficción. Sus novelas de suspenso romántico y escritura creativa de no ficción han ganado premios nacionales. Cuando no se encuentra escribiendo, a ella le gusta coser, correr y la investigación genealógica. Vive en Pilot Hill California. Pueden conocer más acerca de su trabajo en su sitio web.
En la siguiente pieza, Jenni nos presenta 3 maneras efectivas para darle vida a la escritura de negocios. Los dejo con su escrito:
One of the things that I really like about the internet is the opportunity that gave us to interact with all kinds of people that shares similar tastes, interests and passions. A pair of years ago, I added various writers to my google circles. I started to comment some of their posts, and in that way I’ve met people that have a lot of knowledge and are willing to share it.
One of them is the writer Jenni Wiltz, who accepted to participate as a guest writer in the Haki Blog.
Jenni writes fiction and nonfiction. Her romantic suspense and creative nonfiction have won national awards. When she is not writing, she enjoys sewing, running, and genealogical research. She lives in Pilot Hill, California. Visit her online at www.JenniWiltz.com
In the next piece Jenni presents us 3 effective ways to spice up business writing. I left you with her awesome piece:
In February, the owner of the company I write for read my latest novel. Afterwards, he told me, “I knew you were good at what you did for us. I didn’t realize how good you are at this.” I thanked him, enjoyed a little moment of writerly pride, and then started wondering. Why did it seem strange that a corporate copywriter would also be good at telling a story?
Let me back up a bit. I write for a life insurance brokerage. Some days, I write consumer materials that explain why you need life insurance; other times, I’m giving agents sales and marketing tips. I know what you’re thinking—ugh, life insurance, how boring. But part of my job is to make it not boring. How? For me, it’s not that different from writing fiction.
Storytelling Technique #1: Turn Consumers to Characters
Would you buy life insurance if I told you that 44% of people without it know they need it? Me neither. But what if you heard a recording of a father’s final letter to his kids? What if he told them he loved them more than money and that his life insurance was his final gift to them? It gets you thinking and feeling, which means I have a better chance of reaching you with my message. To really drive your point home, try to create characters that mirror your ideal customer profile.
Storytelling Technique #2: Turn Characters into Consumers
Not sure who your ideal customer is? Use people from history, fairy tales, TV, or movies as your consumers. For example, I once compared skydivers, scuba divers, and wives of Henry VIII to see who needed high-risk life insurance most. Financial industry websites will use celebrity estate planning screw-ups to show what happens if you don’t update your will. You can get attention by telling your audience how Luke Skywalker or Napoleon or Cinderella could have benefited from your product or service.
Storytelling Technique #3: Turn Your Character into a Hero
Give your character a problem. Explain how he’s tried to solve that problem one way, two ways, three ways—and failed. Then, just as he’s about to give up, have him discover your product and use it to save the day. Think of this like a case study. Your character is a stand-in for your customer—and his obstacles might be the reasons your customer hasn’t yet bought your product or service. When your character feels like a hero, your customer will want to feel that way, too.
Here’s another way to think of it. Instead of plotting a novel, you’re mapping your buyer’s journey from first contact to a satisfied customer. Once you know what twists and turns that journey takes, you’ll know how to guide him or her past those obstacles—and write your business’s version of a happy ending.
Jenni Wiltz
– Writer –